#OUaTrevisit S4:E21/22
Note: For various reasons, I’m publishing my revisit writeup as a Medium post (and tweeting a link) instead of a Twitter thread. Please also read Cindy’s and Katie’s write-ups.
It’s a Wednesday on the Internet and that means it’s time for another #OUaTrevisit! Cindy and Katie and I are working our way through the seven-season ABC fantasy/adventure/melodrama/soap opera Once Upon A Time, two episodes per week, until we finish the series or somebody pays us to stop.
S4:E21 Mother
“Regina remains suspicious of her mother’s intentions.”
Air date: May 3, 2015
- Hey, it’s dad, hi dad.
- In case we’d forgotten about Regina’s previous dark deeds, this is a reminder. Doesn’t hesitate to murder.
- Cora’s back? Wasn’t she banished?
- Pretty sure I know which Gastown bar Robin and Regina are at.
- I don’t remember Zelena being responsible for Neal’s death.
- We’re all going back to Storybrooke!
- Maybe don’t tempt this guy into finding a way to kill you.
- Finally, we get an explanation of why Gold needs Emma to turn dark. The ink!
- They totally just skipped out on the check.
- Emma is still not ready to deal with her parents.
- “I borrowed a rabbit.”
- Regina’s necklace is a giant spider.
- Huh. We know this won’t work because it didn’t work.
- That hall always seems to need mopping.
- Oof, Gold is not in a good way.
- That implies the Dark One is a separate entity, rather than a mantle. Interesting.
- Hello, Sheriff.
- Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore.
- This scene with the Author and Regina is really something. She’s his “favorite character to write for”. He literally creates reality. And they’re just chatting.
- They don’t need Emma to go dark because they now have Lily!
- Maleficent actually making sense here. But Lily isn’t having any.
- “I don’t need grooming advice from Annie Hall.” 🔥
- “I’m not here to kill you.” “Okay…”
- Snow/Charming really owe her.
- “Dark Star Pharmacy”
- Regina’s first outfit in this scene: 100%
- Regina’s second outfit in this scene: not so much
- Uh, that’s not Robin. Damn, Cora.
- Maybe don’t talk like that to the extremely powerful Evil Queen, bro.
- Hah, she saw right through it.
- Regina could have asked.
- Oops, Lily in Storybrooke is going to have magic. And she’s Maleficent’s daughter. 🐉
- Maybe not-Evil Regina is going a little too hard on Zelena.
- “I like when people find their good hearts along the way.”
- I guess Maleficent probably can’t be hurt by Lily’s dragon fire. But I’m surprised she didn’t change.
- Oh dang, nice healing work, Emma.
- I’m here for sympathetic Maleficent, frankly. It works with Angelina Jolie and it works with KBvS.
- Writing Zelena out of the story this way is kind of brutal.
- 🎵 Part of that world 🎵
- Monologuing in front of the Author was kind of dumb, frankly.
- “Heroes and Villains”, is that from 5E?
S4:E22 Operation Mongoose Part 1
“Henry steps up to save his family.”
Air date: May 10, 2015
Note: Part 2 aired on the same date.
- That TV!
- I love everything about this scene. The old ABC logo. The decor. “Does it have a clicker?”
- The senior salesman is not too pleased with Isaac.
- Star Publishing. Who might this be? Empty room with just a desk.
- Oh, it’s the Apprentice! This is Isaac becoming the Author.
- “I’m more of an IBM Selectric kind of guy.”
- I actually have that engraved metal ballpoint pen.
- “Come with me if you want to write.” 🤖
- August!
- How did they get the magical hat device back?
- Henry has grown a bit.
- Room service and indoor plumbing, exactly.
- So, not your memories at all.
- Blue PeeChee folders in Henry’s backpack.
- Changing that bit of Gold’s story is going to have butterfly effects, I think?
- Tinkerbell wind vane!
- Right, Henry can leave town.
- Very majestic cover photo.
- Now I wonder where this building is.
- “Don’t write your own happy ending.”
- I was not expecting that. Henry inserted himself into the new story.
- How did the Author get trapped as well?
- Ogres, I’ve got an Ogre Slaying Knife, It’s got a +9 Against Ogres!
- Robert Carlyle really playing up the knight in shining armor.
- Regina in the Snow outfit!
- Medieval Regina doesn’t blink an eye at a bound, printed book.
- Who is the Queen in this scenario? Snow? That’s hardly a sad villain ending for her.
- The Black Dwarfs. I love these guys. “Heigh-ho, boys, it’s off to work we go.”
- Evil Snow’s outfit and her hair are 🔥
- Heart walkie-talkie mode.
- The dark makeup on Snow and David is great.
- Isn’t he interfering in his own story now?
- This story reversal is so good.
- She didn’t know Robin. Interesting.
- Here’s the thing: I believe Regina in this role more than Snow. Maybe Lana is just a better actor.
- Aahhh Zelena is the bride!
- Same tavern, right?
- Where is Emma, anyway?
- She’s in Rapunzel’s tower… And she’s insane.