#OUaTrevisit S4:E23
Note: For various reasons, I’m publishing my revisit writeup as a Medium post (and tweeting a link) instead of a Twitter thread. Please also read Cindy’s and Katie’s write-ups.
Well, #OUaTrevisit friends, we’ve come to the end of Season 4, and because there were an odd number of episodes this season, we’re only revisiting one episode this week — the season finale. Next week, we’ll kick off Season 5, which (if my math and calendar skills are up to snuff) we should wrap up on February 8th. And after that, we’ll be taking a four-week hiatus before launching into the final two seasons.
Q: Why are you doing this on Medium now instead of a Twitter thread?
I mean, have you seen Twitter lately? It’s possible and even probable that Twitter won’t be around for much longer — certainly not as a platform that’s reliable, widely accessible, and safe. I’m migrating most of my social presence to Mastodon, and while I’m not one to evangelize, it’s pretty nice in a sort of late-2000s/early-2010s era Twitter “friendly people talking to each other” vibe.
But enough of this frivolity. Let’s get on with this week’s Revisit!
Season 4, Episode 23: Operation Mongoose Part 2
“Henry steps up to save his family.”
Air date: May 10, 2015
Note: Parts 1 and 2 aired on the same day.
- Locking up the Savior and then chaining her to the floor is extra cruel.
- Important to note that Regina is specifically recast as a hero in this reality, and for Regina stans (like me), it’s glorious.
- For Rumple, the “right” choice is the wrong choice.
- “Without an invitation from the captain” but who is the captain? It’s Blackbeard!
- The Black Knight always triumphs.
- Prisoner transfer from cellblock 1138… or the kingdom of Kashyyyk.
- Emma didn’t lose her memories.
- Aww, cute. Killian and Emma are re-meeting.
- Oh, a guard dragon!
- Chain shot?
- Wow. Good shot.
- Meanwhile, at the Small Council…
- Evil Granny!
- I feel like a dwarf is about to get the Untouchables treatment here.
- “You’re a regular Jack Sparrow,” says Emma, cranking up the Synergy Machine.
- “You’re the one who’s hard to recognize” in that creepy dark makeup.
- Emma and Henry just standing there watching Killian sacrifice himself.
- Rumple is, wait for it, lying to Belle.
- Chip!
- Ugh, vulnerable Regina is the best.
- Ah, the classic “disrupt the wedding” gambit.
- Uh, what if Robin isn’t into Regina in this reality?
- Oh hello, hero/villain Rumple.
- Huh, I did not see that coming. Seems bad.
- Ooh someone is turning green!
- Go, Emma! 👊🏻
- Henry is now the Author?!
- And just like that, it never happened. But they all remember it.
- 🙄
- Good thing it wasn’t like the Matrix, right? If you die in the renegade Author’s fanfic, you don’t die in real life.
- Oh, Emma. Sheesh. Just tell him!
- Is there a problem, Officer?
- I mean a bad boss can fuck you up for a long time.
- The stories can never be erased, but I guess they can be modified.
- “With great power,” etc.
- Huh. He broke the quill, so what does that mean? Not an author after all? Does the power lie in the quill or in the wielder?
- When Rumple’s heart goes totally dark, what happens? All Dark One, all the time?
- Yay!
- Zelena is locked up. What about Lily?
- Nice to see Emma and the parents patching it up.
- “It’s a dragon thing.” And I really hope Lily doesn’t villain out.
- Oh good, there’s still a magical box. And the Apprentice has heart-ripping power.
- Wow. Is the Dark One power now banished to the hat forever?
- Oh, dear. This seems bad. Dark One power just flying around town.
- So actually it wasn’t a great idea to untether the power from the dagger. Nice job, Apprentice.
- Merlin??
- Oh no… At least she finally told him.
- Emma Swan, Dark One. Does she get new business cards?