#OUaTrevisit: S5:E11/12
This will be posted to my Mastodon account; don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s and Cindy’s posts too!
If there’s one God you don’t want to get steamed up
It’s Hades, ’cause he had an evil plan
He ran the Underworld
But thought the dead were dull and uncouth
— The Gospel Truth II, Disney’s Hercules, 1997
Welcome to the Underworld, foolish mortals! It’s the last Wednesday of 2022 and we’re closing out year two of #OUaTrevisit with our first trip downstairs and a meeting with the man himself.
S5:E11 Swan Song
“The Dark Ones prepare to obliterate light magic.”
Airdate: December 6, 2015
- Just gonna stop making the Light Magic joke at this point, okay?
- Young Killian!
- Isn’t Rumple all good and stuff now though?
- “There’s more than one Dark One!!” — Leroy/Grumpy
- I’m altering the bargain, pray I don’t alter it any further.
- There was a deal on Dark One cloaks at Costco.
- “The Mark of Karen” gives the holder unlimited power to speak to the manager.
- Cheery speech from Rumple.
- Previously, when Regina still had AMAZING outfits…
- “What’s in the carriage?” “Pain.”
- Dinner at Granny’s, obviously.
- “Nothing’s wrong,” Rumple lied, again.
- Great plan, Emma, except for the part where it kills you.
- Queen Regina just swanning into the pub.
- Save the clock tower!
- So long, Zelena. For now.
- Dad Jones looks familiar. Played by Adam Croasdell.
- Convenient TLK is convenient I guess.
- Since when do people need Letters of Transit to leave the Enchanted Forest? Is this Casablanca?
- Ooh, Killian has a half-brother. That’s not going to feel good.
- Ugh, Emma was so easily suckered.
- The S.S. Purgatory sounds like a ship from Lower Decks.
- “I know what I have to do but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it”
- Hey, Killian finally found a backbone. But who will be the sacrifice?
- No more Dark Swan, but also no more Hook.
- Apparently, there’s a Storybrooke ambulance service, which also implies a Storybrooke coroner’s office. I wonder if Tink works there and knows Dr. Whale?
- Uh oh, dark whispers.
- How could he have the dagger? Wasn’t it part of Excalibur?
- “A small vial of magic” is just $8.99 at Walgreens.
- Rumple/Gold fully returning to form. Not sorry, honestly.
- She has to pay the toll. And not look back on her way out.
- Observe the duck in the Evil Pond just trying to get out of the way of the Evil Canoe. (42:07)
- Wait, we’re all going? I thought it was just Emma.
- “I will always find you.” She said it!
- This was the mid-season break. We resumed three months later.
S5:E12 Souls of the Departed
“The heroes follow Hook to the underworld.”
Airdate: March 6, 2016
- Are we perhaps talking about the same Underworld from “Hercules”?
(Is the OUaT Synergy Machine cranking overtime, Bob?) - The Underworld is a spooky closed theme park. Huh.
- Neal!
- The coaster is named “Revelation” (not “Revolution”).
- Gold went too??
- Is there, like, an Underworld reception desk, or a welcoming committee?
- Oh yeah, Emma threw Cruella off a cliff.
- Regina just sticks her finger in the pie.
- Blacktooth? Who the heck is Blacktooth? Oh never mind.
- Oh hey, Dad, nice to see you.
- Cora!!
- Everything here is the dark and spooky version.
- It’s the witch from Hansel and Gretel! Played by Emma Caulfield.
- That’s not David, it’s James. Right?
- “What if he had no unfinished business?” Are we talking about the same Killian Jones?
- I love Evil Regina plucking the flower.
- Sidney! We’re getting all the old favorites.
- Oops, Henry left the door open.
- Convenient that everyone has their magic down here.
- Aww, Blacktooth gets it again.
- The spinning wheel in Underworld Gold’s shop is extra creepy.
- Pan, of course. Hi Dad!
- Are Cora and Pan, parents of conflicted characters manifested, actually there? Or an illusion?
- The DunBroch whiskey. That’s good stuff.
- “There’s a boat that’s leaving soon.” Is the ferry on a timetable? Are there tickets? Do they have an app?
- Oh no! Cora has Snow’s heart. Now what?
- (Obviously, somehow this never happened or it’s reversed and Snow has no memory of it)
- Killian Jones has a very dramatic headstone as is appropriate.
- Why is there a steam pipe in the middle of the graveyard?
- That was the best camera angle and the best cake and the best look on Regina. Did she just off the jester for “not being funny”?
- Okay, Jiminy, not cool.
- Aww, poor rando guard.
- Regina’s necklace looks like a chain of jeweled spiders.
- Dad-Henry is subtitled as “Valet”.
- Redeemed Regina. That’s all.
- Uh oh, Cora, are you standing in front of a mirror? Again?
- Cora grabbed Dad-Henry on the way back to Neverland. But obviously, he comes back later.
- Aww, Dad gets to cross over. 😇
- Henry/Henry meeting: perfect.
- Thus begins what I recall as an interminable series of episodes in The Underworld.
- “Operation Firebird”
- We’re on an express elevator to Hell!
- Ah, Hades, here we go.