#OUaTrevisit: S5:E19/20

andrew rich
5 min readJan 25, 2023


This will be posted to my Mastodon account; don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s and Cindy’s posts too!

With episodes nineteen and twenty of season five done, there are only three more episodes (two weeks of posts) until our Spring hiatus. And wow, do I need the break after the back half of this season. Let’s get to it!

S5:E19 Sisters

“Regina turns to Cora for help with Zelena.”
Airdate: April 24, 2016

  • Does Zelena know what Hades did to Cora?
  • “I don’t want to set the world on fire…”
  • The car looks like “Christine”.
Let’s all go to the drive-in.
  • He’s still trying that TLK gambit. And I bet Zelena is still going to see through it.
  • Is everyone’s name on a tombstone now? Could be a problem.
  • Regina fixing her hair in the magic mirror.
  • Have we seen young Regina before?
  • The doll kind of looks like Snow.
  • What’s in the box?
Could be anything!
  • Okay, that’s not good. Enchanted dolls never work out.
Was it “Talky Tina” or “Talking Tina”?
  • It’s a step in the right direction (after all).
  • This week is extra soapy, even for this show.
  • I don’t like his way. 🧟‍♂️
  • How did Cora still have her magic?
  • That’s a useful skill.
  • “Are you a good witch, or…”
It depends, is this the movie or the stage musical?
  • Cora is being extra manipulative here. Using her first daughter to help her second.
  • Two Brothers, on their way.
  • He tased him!
  • MM immediately knew the last time James tried to impersonate David. Will Emma use her occasional superpower to spot him?
  • Has Regina forgiven Cora now? The alliances shift constantly.
  • Ah, Regina is using Cora, and Cora is walking right into it.
  • “There was a spring from this very river near our estate, which I used to make you and Zelena forget each other when you were teens.”
  • “Why is everything in the woods with you people?!”
I’ll miss Cruella when she’s gone. If she’s ever gone.
  • Ugh, unexpected visits from relatives are the worst.
  • Mom heard the whole thing.
  • “Well, are you?” “Nah.”
  • Why don’t I go out of the room to get you some water instead of magicking it up right in front of you?
  • (Nelson laugh)
  • Young Zelena in this scene looks like Glinda.
  • Mom just turning off the sisters’ fireballs.
  • That was a very powerful scene with Cora restoring their memories.
  • Of course, James and David are wearing the same jacket, so we’ll be confused about which one dies.
  • 🌊
  • Poor James, poor poor James.
  • Nice that Cora gets to Move On, but given her entire history of evil, she’s unlikely to go to the Good Place.
Unless someone loses her file.
  • Okay, I love the sisters reconciling.
  • The special of the day is dry white toast and tapioca pudding.
  • “I hear you’re wicked, well I’m much worse.”

S5:E20 Firebird

“Emma and Hook’s love faces the ultimate test.”
Airdate: May 1, 2016

  • Road trip? Moving in together? Shared laundry loads?
  • Love Regina and Killian sniping mostly good-naturedly.
  • Emma looked up when Hades said her name like she’d been scrolling through her phone.
  • Hipster Glasses Emma!
It’s convenient shorthand for “this is a flashback scene.”
  • Do we find out now why Emma still has the Beetle she stole?
  • Tearing a long strip of paper like that all in one go is difficult.
  • Hey, the plan actually worked. Is Hades not bullshitting?
  • Wow. Turns out the way Hades gets his happy ending is to accept love and trust. That’s kind of been the whole point of this show.
  • Isn’t Killian still technically dead? How are we going to deal with that when it’s time to go home?
  • Oh right, the heart split. But it’s too late.
  • It happened once, a long time ago.
I saw it at the Orpheus.
  • It took Emma all of four seconds to pick the lock on the cuffs.
  • TRAKR Interstate Record Finder.
  • This quest is very complicated. Emma and Killian need to take the elevator down to the lower levels. There, Emma will take a test to prove she’s worthy of receiving Ambrosia. If she gets it, she feeds it to Killian, which restores his life?
  • “Without magic, how am I gonna take out my own… ow.”
  • Ah, I think this is the ultimate test promised earlier.
  • Disappointing for Rumple that his kiss didn’t wake Belle.
  • What’s in the box?
I assume it’s a box of cookies.
  • The Baby, who still doesn’t have a name.
  • Rumple took Robin’s heart to give to Pan.
  • Stealthy!!
  • Cruella and the Blind Witch, who still doesn’t have a name. Great outfits.
  • “Only the penitent man will pass.”
And the penitent man must have a ticket.
  • She had to save herself or save him. And she chose him.
  • Good thing the cops didn’t cover the back of the building.
  • The ambrosia tree was cut, Regina and friends are stuck in the library, and Hades escapes with Zelena. Yeah, it was all his plan.
  • Is this… The End of Hook and Swan?? (Probably not)
Until the season-ending cliff-hanger, I assume.
  • That’s a whole lot to spring on someone unexpectedly while they’re at work.
  • The jacket!
  • These two should be able to break that spell.
I want to see this spin-off show.
  • Nice work, Henry.
  • Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
  • Phenomenal cosmic powers, itty bitty living space.
  • Through the portal, barely in time.



andrew rich
andrew rich

Written by andrew rich

Hacker, engineer, voice actor, Army vet, nonmammaltarian, IRONMAN, friend to cats. He/Him. Doesn’t speak for employer.

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