#OUaTrevisit: S5:E21/22
This will be posted to my Mastodon account; don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s and Cindy’s posts too!
This week: the writers decide they’ve had enough of Hades, and set up next season’s Big Bad. We lose a hero and gain a family relationship. And we visit Vancouver again!
S5:E21 Last Rites
“Danger looms as Hades grows more powerful.”
Airdate: May 8, 2016
- “Snow White still thinks I’m a villain,” (which he is, obviously)
- Zelena has been taking lessons from Belle in “I can change him.”
- Arthur, meet Hades. Goodbye, Arthur.
- Sleepy was on guard duty! Merida didn’t have much to choose from.
- We all made it back! Except for Hook.
- Dead Arthur is now in the Underworld.
- “Denial, grief, anger, can we just get to acceptance?”
- Gotta balance the books somehow. Let’s go on a quest!
- David is so useless when he tries to be fatherly.
- Gullible Zelena, again. Ridiculous.
- Why does Hades have his brother’s crystal?
- Robin makes some good points here.
- “Game of Thorns” flower shop.
- Did Emilie de Ravin take some time off at the end of S5, is that why she’s “under a sleeping curse”?
- Hidden in the throne, look at that. Nice work, Arthur.
- Too bad the ghost phone was removed.
- If “Stubble sandwich” is really the very last we’re going to see of Cruella, well, I’ll be sad.
- Emma’s writing in this episode is kind of odd, as is her makeup.
- Hades is literally telling Zelena that she’s just a means to an end. And she doesn’t want to believe it.
- The call was from a flip phone to a landline.
- Good show, Robin. Except I just got a premonition about this plot: Usually, the next thing after making an emotional leap and finding your destiny is being tragically killed.
- Magic book is magic!
- Always with the swords. Didn’t these people learn anything from Excalibur?
- Hades strides past without looking. Helpful!
- As I thought. Too bad. But now Hades will face the power of this fully operational battle station, I mean, Regina.
- Boom! Zelena does it!
- But with Hades gone, the position of God of Death is vacant.
- Was that going to be enough for Arthur to move on? And Killian too?
- Is this… Zeus?
- Where exactly does Killian belong? I think I know.
- Oh, Robin’s funeral is just heartbreaking. 🏹
- 😭 Robin is a good name for the baby. 😭
- “This is not your fault.” “(Didn’t really think it was, but okay.)”
- Aha, I knew it! (Maybe remove the headstone, awkward.)
- Now, what’s Rumple going to do with the pile of dust formerly known as Hades?
- Ah, the shard from the crystal (that’s a different movie).
S5:E22 Only You
“Regina reels from the loss of Robin Hood.”
Airdate: May 15, 2016
- Shockingly, the producers did not use the Yazoo song in this episode, despite the title.
- Why a dirigible in the opening sequence? From Oz, perhaps?
- David and Snow are the worst at comforting. Just the worst. Mostly David though.
- Okay, if Killian’s resurrection “pushes Regina over the edge” into returning to evil, I’m gonna be depressed.
- “Delicate as always” … at least she didn’t flip out right away.
- Emma blew it. Regina was ready to go.
- Henry knows the combo to the safe, that’s convenient.
- While pointing to objects in the shop, Henry just recounted the plots of three or four Disney movies.
- “Operation Mixtape” 🤦🏼♂️
- Henry did the thing 🖋️ he said he’d never do. And now he’s once again “trying to destroy magic.”
- Everyone in town is supported and enlivened by magic in some way! If he destroys it, they all die.
- I’m cautiously optimistic that Regina will not make a heel turn. She’s grumpy, obviously and understandably, but she’s working with Emma to find Henry.
- Oh good, it’s time for another round of “spot the Vancouver landmarks in ‘New York’!”
- Zelena but good, I like it.
- Oops! All sucked through the portal and back to… uh, somewhere?
- New York is where he’d rather stay.
- “Welcome to New York, it’ll be $15.” “You don’t need my $15.” “I don’t need your $15.”
- (The tollbooth has been placed on a subterranean ramp outside Vancouver’s Waterfront Station.)
- (Right behind Violet and Henry is a great burger place named Vera’s, now sadly closed; to the right is my favorite pub in the world: Six Acres.)
- Broken wand. “Do you have any duct tape?” I don’t like how they’re taking Zelena for granted.
- Hmm, I think I’ve seen the guy in the brown jacket before. Is this a jail for magic users?
- Very steampunk. I think the groundsman and the warden are Jekyll and Hyde.
- I forgot Robin and Zelena-as-Marian were living here, in Neal’s old place. Who’s been paying the rent on this “New York” apartment?
- Oh, a letter from Robin! 😭
- This is a very powerful scene. “I hate doing good.”
- (Also Regina’s outfit is 🔥🔥🔥)
- The Rare Reading Room is all green screen.
- Some stories from OUaT Volume II: Gulliver’s Travels, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, Don Quixote, Paul Bunyan… and the land where the heroes landed.
- Jekyll and Hyde confirmed. And Poole, in the book, was Jekyll’s butler.
- “This is a bad plan,” says David, who knows a bad plan when he comes up with one.
- (crash) “Oh!” That was needlessly destructive, Henry. You could have unlocked the case.
- “All too easy.”
- Hyde goes through more jackets that way.
- The actor playing Hyde is very familiar: Sam Witwer.
- Steampunkland looks beautiful! Kinda like Tomorrowland ’97 was supposed to look before the budgets were slashed.
- Henry is ascribing a lot of conscious motivation to a natural force. The magic “wants” to do things? Does it take action?
- Very swanky hotel. RumpleGold has good taste. I wonder if he’s getting Bonvoy points.
- Rumple: I can show you the world. Shining, shimmering, splendid.
- The portal took the box. And Rumple lost it because he always tries to save his power (the crystal) first.
- How does Hyde know about Belle in the box? How in fact does Hyde seem to know all these details about our heroes?
Next week: The season five finale! And then a four-week hiatus! During which time I will be in the frozen wasteland of A̶r̶e̶n̶d̶e̶l̶l̶e Antarctica!