#OUaTrevisit: S5:E23
This will be posted to my Mastodon account; don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s and Cindy’s posts too!
Welcome back to The Land Without Magic, aka New York, which is actually Vancouver! It’s Wednesday night, and Cindy, Katie, and I are wrapping up #OnceUponATime season five. After this week, we’ll take a four-week hiatus and will return for season six on March 8th.
S5:E23 An Untold Story
“Emma and Regina race to find Henry before Gold can.”
Airdate: May 15, 2016
- This episode’s slug barely touches the plot. But I’m not sure how I would have written it differently.
- Of course, the “groundsman” does know precisely where the “warden” is.
- A refuge… from the costuming department!
- Somebody call the Ghostbusters to that hotel!
- If the door is glowing with an unearthly, evil light, maybe don’t go in.
- I didn’t have “gets a big tip and leaves safely” on that room service guy’s day.
- A text from Granny! Everyone went through the portal! (“Again?”)
- Regina is trying to convince Gold, but I’m not buying it.
- Why didn’t Zelena’s blast affect Hyde?
- Clever hacker key.
- Oops, Emma, obviously he knows you’re there.
- The Grail seems to work like the Hat.
- That was disturbing!
- Was that a magic Taser?
- Don’t blame Henry for your nonsense, Gold.
- Without magic, Gold should be limping again.
- Does the crystal do anything without any magic?
- Regina doesn’t like hearing that… but I’m betting Gold is wrong about her.
- Hey, it’s the Dragon? Didn’t Burnham kill him a few seasons ago?
- (This could explain why his daughter is so powerful…)
- (This scene is in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery.)
- Hmm, that was probably the wrong phrasing. Gotta be careful with the wishing.
- It is the rabbit!
- Isn’t this Bill Murray’s end speech in Scrooged?
- “See, I told you,” says the kid who broke it in the first place.
- Wishes!
- Doesn’t Hyde still have the box though?
- He didn’t make the world believe. He made around 37 Canadians believe.
- I don’t get how Hyde has all this inside information. Unless he read the script.
- Regina, alone on the roof, still trying to come to terms with herself. I like that Snow is trying to help: with booze.
- Oh no, I think I know what they’re going to do. This was presaged by the Jekyll/Hyde story.
- This is a terrible idea! They’ll split out powerful Evil Queen Regina and we’ll be left with weakened Good Regina.
- “Act, Lana, act!”
- Okay, she’s out, this is your chance! She won’t. Of course.
- Huh. She did it! But I bet that won’t be the end of 100% Evil Queen.
- How many people were in that little car?
- Violet’s origin story is kind of silly, but her father was a renowned Deadite-killer.
- Gold’s got a Chrysler, it seats about twenty.
- Ugh. There’s no way the Evil Queen is actually gone, right? Restoring magic to Storybrooke is going to bring her back.
- “Storybrooke is mine now.” What, just because you say so?
- Evil Queen dust, obviously.
- This is a war!
- With a little bit of Evil Queen music just to drive the point home.
- So, season six will be about Regina vs Regina. I’m here for it. Her inner battle is now on display.
That’s it for season five! As noted above, we’re taking the next four weeks off and will resume #OUaTrevisit with season six, episodes one and two on Wednesday, March 8. Try to keep your dark sides under control until then!