#OUaTrevisit: S5:E5/6
Note: As previously mentioned, this will now be the canonical home of my #OUaTrevisit posts. I’ll continue posting these to my Mastodon account, and linking to my fellow Revisitors Katie’s and Cindy’s posts on their respective platforms.
Hello and Happy W̶e̶d̶n̶e̶s̶d̶a̶y̶Thursday, OUaT fans! What with one thing and another, we postponed the usual Wednesday-night #OUaTrevisit to Thursday for this week, and now we’re on to the fifth and sixth episodes of season five.
S5:E5 Dreamcatcher
“Emma and Regina form a plan to free Merlin.”
Airdate: October 25, 2015
- That’s Merlin! And it was Merlin in the movie theater with young Emma.
- If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?
- MM and David are ensorcelled, remember. Arthur is controlling them.
- Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
- Rumple is missing, presumed fed.
- Emma says she’s stronger as the Dark One than Rumple. I believe it.
- Not sure about Dark Emma’s cape/train/skirt thing.
- Dreamcatchers are considered dark magic?
- Sometimes spells are like snakebites.
- “Let’s go steal a tear.”
- *awkward flirting intensifies*
- Uh oh!
- Ryan Robbins (Henry on “Sanctuary”) as Violet’s dad.
- Henry is getting Dark Mom to help find Violet’s horse.
- Merida trying to make Gold into a hero. Probably not going to work.
- “Did your dad teach you that move?”
- The moms giving Henry dating advice. Love it.
- Oof, this is harsh.
- “She thought it was for the best.” — basically everyone’s motivation on this show.
- Clever, Regina.
- Oh, maybe we’re using the song just a little too much? Yazoo had a whole lot of great songs.
- “Is that magic?” No, it’s Pepsi. I guess Storybrooke is a Pepsi town.
- What movie are we watching… “Harold and Maude”??
- Oh ouch. Friendzoned.
- Peter Peter’s pumpkins.
- “Let’s hang around the new Dark One’s house when she’s heading back.”
- Eye of newt, an ounce of Sprite…
- You were showing off and boasting, Henry. Not very attractive.
- The potion supercharged Emma’s magic with dark and light. And it worked!
- The blade that was broken…
- Destroy Light Magic!
- The bears, meaning her brothers.
- Amy Manson just tearing it up as Merida.
- Oh dear. Emma forced Violet to spurn Henry, to get his tear, to free Merlin. She knew Regina’s tear wouldn’t be enough.
- Merlin un-ensorcells MM and David.
- “You were expecting someone… older?” They didn’t say “whiter” but they were thinking it.
- Knock knock, hello, door dash delivery!
- Dark Ones or Darks One?
- The mystery of the missing memories is getting more mysterious.
S5:E6 The Bear and the Bow
“Merida’s brothers’ lives hang in the balance.”
Airdate: November 1, 2015
- How Merlin knows what a bike is: canonically, Merlin lives backwards, from future to past.
- “Do we simply speak into it?” It’s not a phone, Killian.
- Can’t believe Belle is still, STILL sticking up for Rumple. (Of course I can)
- Oh no, not Chip!
- Belle and Merida chatting, until Merida clocks her in the back of the head with a blow that would probably be fatal.
- “Hit first ask questions later” kind of lass.
- Someone is coming up from the catacombs… It’s Gold!
- “I’m in danger!”
- Macintosh, MacGuffin, and… Dingwall.
- Funny how the witch is conveniently away from home just now.
- Her little Munchkin!
- Dark Emma placed another to-go order at Granny’s.
- “Believe it or not, that patient with the mop loves to talk.”
- Zelena just shut Emma down without a second thought.
- But we don’t want Rumple to be a hero!
- Arthur says he needs to be alone to communicate with Merlin. This would be so he could lie to them.
- Good one Belle!
- No I’m pretty sure that was Merida’s fault.
- “Anti-transformation powder”, convenient.
- Eyeroll at “Belle finally sees the truth about Rumple”… again.
- Ha, not the real potion, of course.
- Looks like the last arrow would still have killed one of the brothers.
- Ah the convenient anti-transformation powder. Always good to have some in your bear-fighting kit.
- APOLLO milk chocolate, as served in first class on Oceanic Airlines.
- “You were his maid once.”
- Rumple has spent more time being sorry for his villainy than he ever did as a villain in the first place.
- King… Rumple?
- Magical Toadstools don’t burn, luckily.
- Merlin’s voicemail! Who is Nimue?
- (I’m gonna start using “Merlin’s voicemail!” as my go-to swearing choice.)