#OUaTrevisit: S5:E9/10
Note: As previously mentioned, this will now be the canonical home of my #OUaTrevisit posts. I’ll continue posting these to my Mastodon account, and linking to my fellow Revisitors Katie’s and Cindy’s posts on their respective platforms.
This week, we’re watching as a formerly wondrous kingdom crumbles under a despotic, chaotic new ruler who issues random decrees without considering the effect on his subjects. But enough about Twitter…
In this week’s pair of Once Upon a Time episodes, Amy Manson returns as Merida, and Meghan Ory returns as Red. And, I guess, other stuff happens.
S5:E9 The Bear King
“Zelena and Arthur journey to find an enchanted relic.”
Airdate: November 15, 2015
- This all happened in the six-week Camelot interregnum, remember?
- We’re going to visit Merida!
- DunBroch is quite pretty.
- The witch looks a lot like Carol Kane in The Princess Bride.
- “You’ll get exactly what you want,” says the witch, foreshadowingly.
- Seems like nothing can ever happen in a great hall without a witch bursting in saying she wasn’t invited!
- I wonder if Merida and Arthur+Zelena are questing for the same thing. (obviously)
- Merida’s battle outfit is fantastic. We definitely needed the walk-around character wearing that.
- I recognize that cloak. It’s Mulan!
- Aww, there’s been a falling out in the two years since the battle.
- What happened to her is that Aurora married Philip. 💔
- This training montage is brought to you by Highlander.
- Zelena plays that expecting mom thing way too much.
- Amy Manson is here just killing the Merida role. I was so sad to learn (just now) about The Nevers being canceled. Hopefully, we get to see the remaining six episodes sometime soon.
- How has he inspired the men? With a speech and a brawny chest, and would you look at that beard! (And a sneaky enchanted helm.)
- Nobody ever knocks at the witch’s cabin.
- Red!!!
- Oops, wrong thing to say.
- How did I end up back here? Well, I went off to do another show, and that didn’t work out, so…
- She’s not the only one of her kind, Granny is also a wolf.
- They grew a bean. Cute retcon of Meghan Ory leaving the show. Does she stay around now?
- Oh hey, I know a specialist in tracking! 🐾
- They can take our lives but they’ll never take our outrageous accents!
- The producers got the entire cohort of the local SCA chapter for this scene.
- Oof, that was more graphic than I expected. Stabbed him in the back.
- It was Arthur! What a jerk.
- Hello, my name is Merida of DunBroch. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
- Super classy, your Majesty.
- Go Red!
- So-called Arthur-king.
- I wouldn’t trust Zelena to drunk-transit, myself.
- Loved Merida’s slight eye-roll when she realized it was a test.
- I want to see the team-up movie with Merida, Mulan, and Red.
- The way Mulan’s voice broke a little when she told her story.
- Oh boy, Arthur is going to be In For It.
S5:E10 Broken Heart
“In a Camelot flashback, Hook becomes a Dark One.”
Airdate: November 29, 2015
- So the “One” part of the name is no longer strictly accurate.
- Killian is extra growly this week.
- Will the wristband work on a Dark One though?
- Hook is gonna love having Rumple as his Jarvis.
- Regina’s makeup this week seems extra broody.
- I love how Colin O’Donoghue is chewing the scenery!
- The “Dark One Chronicles” is a new spinoff series.
- I’m confused about what memories Killian took from Emma.
- Henry is almost as tall as Emma now.
- Lancelot’s mother is the Lady of the Lake? How does that even work? And MM dropped it as if we already knew.
- “Why do Dark Ones always dress like monks?” This also explains Dark Emma’s outfit.
- Will Belle give Rumple yet another chance, now that his darkness is gone?
- I almost thought Nurse Ratchet was going to have some power to keep Zelena out.
- Who’s watching the new baby while Zelena and Regina are sniping at each other? The Charmings? Cindy and Jasmine’s babysitting service?
- “Baby Hood”
- Yes, let’s remember she murdered Marian.
- What did Emma do to Merida?
- “I used to be the queen of DunBroch until I took an arrow to the knee.”
- Emma is remarkably calm here while Killian just rips into her.
- “You’re only a pawn if you don’t know you’re being used.”
- Flashback Killian’s outfit is very Matrix 2 Neo-esque.
- If you deleted every “I did it to protect you” from this show, you’d have nothing left.
- Ooh, Killian figured out his Dark One magic pretty quickly.
- How is Gold going to beat Hook? Though he’s the hero now so I guess it’s forgone.
- “Once you go green, you’ll never go Queen.” I honestly can’t believe they got away with this line.
- We’re doing shared custody. That was a hard decision but it was the right thing to do.
- Eh, maybe don’t put Emma in charge of naming sequels.
- Pretty sporting of Killian to fix Gold’s limp before they fight.
- We see Merlin recording his OGM.
- Clever loophole.
- Dark Emma saving the day?
- Huh. He actually did it. And now, yet another curse.
- Seizing the brief moment of distraction, Gold leaps to his feet, holds Dark Killian at bay with Excalibur, and… lets him go.
- Hah, Belle is finally done with him.
- We’re starting to catch up to real-time now.
- It was a bad call, Emma! A bad call!
- Where’s Grumpy to shout about another curse?
- You’d think they would all be used to it by now, anyway.
- I don’t like dreamcatchers being used this way.
- A portal to the underworld, and here comes the Dark Squad. You could probably field a football team with this many Darks One.