#OUaTrevisit: S6:E11/12
5 min readApr 11, 2023
This will be posted to my Mastodon account; don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s and Cindy’s posts too!
This week in our weekly #OnceUponATime revisit, Regina does that thing where you KNOW you shouldn’t look but you just HAVE to look anyway. How’d that work out? Take a guess.
S6:E11 Tougher Than The Rest
“Regina explores what Robin’s life is like without her.”
Airdate: March 5, 2017
- Did we really need to do this with Robin 2.0? Hasn’t Regina suffered enough heartbreak?
- Oh hi Young Emma, why are we desecrating books?
- Young August? We know he’s been keeping an eye on Emma since they arrived.
- (Her name is actually Emma Duck)
- Good thing they didn’t call her Emma Solo, ’cause she was alone.
- Thank you, Prince Exposition.
- What did Emma see in the driftwood? (It took me some time to realize that Emma saw the driftwood and thought wood -> Pinocchio -> August. Didn’t make sense at first.)
- David’s right: “Give the Evil Queen what she deserves” was a particularly stupid wish. At least so far.
- So I guess this is actually Belle and Rumple’s son.
- I don’t think that’s how it works, bro. It’s not like killing the Dark One and taking the Dark Dagger.
- Hey, it’s grown up August! Nice to see him.
- Hi Tink!
- Regina keeps forgetting that in this reality, she’s still the Evil Queen. It’s silly. On the other hand, it’s interesting that the various tavern-dwellers and townspeople immediately place Regina as “Evil Queen” even though she’s in a pretty sharp business suit and jacket.
- I like how this Robin is clearly not fazed by Regina.
- Oops, hi, Nottingham. With an anti-magic cuff.
- August has inherited a special, powerful tool from his father.
- Grotty Hook. Extra grotty!
- Gideon shops at The Name of the Robes.
- “Princess Enya”
- Emma is now doing magic without a second thought. But she can’t fix August’s chisel?
- “You failed with flying colors!” I’m going to appropriate that line.
- “Give to the poor, why the hell would I do that?”
- Oh good, it’s Rumple, said no one ever.
- This is actually a really good outfit on Belle.
- “It’s been a while since I had a good flay.”
- You’re a folk hero and in a relationship with the Queen, not bad. But, also, dead.
- Since this whole realm is a dream, a fantasy, or maybe a wish, it seems like Regina is really just using this version of Robin for therapy. Which is not a terrible idea.
- “I guess I’ve always liked swans.”
- There is no fate but what we make for ourselves.
- Too bad we had to take down this thousand-year-old tree to make it happen, yeah?
- When they leave, this world ends, right?
- “I’m in.”
- So… did it work?
- Ugh, Regina never catches a break. But wait! It did work!
- Gonna be a little awkward for everyone who went to Robin’s funeral.
- My name is Gideon. I bake cookies. Get in line now.
- She’s not wearing the same thing as in her vision. So it won’t happen today.
- August is writing about Pleasure Island. 😭
- Another good outfit on Belle. Did the show change costume designers this year?
- Rumple is lying, of course.
- Man, we just had that clock fixed! This is why we can’t have nice things.
S6:E12 Murder Most Foul
“Regina acclimates Robin to life in Storybrooke.”
Airdate: March 12, 2017
- How does this work for Robin 2.0? Does he just take over the Merry Men (or did they leave?) What about Roland? What about little Robin? Can he reactivate Robin 1.0’s cell plan?
- Oh, right, yet another one of David’s terrible ideas.
- “David and James” in case you weren’t clear on exactly who these people are.
- That’s the coin Dad always carried.
- Rude, David! That’s your future son-in-law you’re insulting.
- I guess Ferris Wheel in the opening sequence represents Pleasure Island. Fine, episode, rip my heart out.
- “I once kissed David’s twin, trust me, a world of difference.”
- I’m all in on the Snow and Regina coffee club.
- Oh hi, Doctor Hopper!
- They’ve moved on from written notes to video chat. Next it’ll be TikTok.
- I don’t actually care about Dad’s story.
- Oh hi, King George! Everyone who’s anyone is coming back this season.
- Uh oh. David has a conspiracy board. How do I get a conspiracy board?
- Oh look, David’s just being a jerk again.
- Zelena overreacting? But that never happens.
- “I know someplace where we can fix your hand” but Regina could of course just wave her hand.
- Uh, wow, Rumple just casually has the Golden Fleece?
- “Not much of a negotiator, are you?”
- One hair off his head. That’s potentially useful for Rumple.
- A land built from temptation…that could only be Pleasure Island!
- Huh. Rumple actually did him a favor.
- Emma’s superpower. Drink!
- Eye roll at David stealing stuff from Emma. And at Hook lying to Emma.
- Regina wants so badly for Robin 2.0 to be hers. But she knows it isn’t, especially when she kisses him.
- Casting a spell is definitely going to go well for these two.
- #Kungaloosh 😭
- Oh hi, Pinocchio!
- The nose knows.
- Talking to August was actually pretty smart on the part of David and Killian.
- Ah, this is not going to end well for Dad.
- King George straight-up orders Dad’s murder. Damn.
- Why is the King in jail in Storybrooke? Did we know about that?
- Sigh. This is just dumb on David’s part, like everything else he does.
- Robin 2.0 stole something out of Regina’s trunk. Have we seen that before this week?
- Oh no! Did Hook kill Dad?? Sigh. It’s not in August’s pages, but Killian knows he did it. Maybe he didn’t make the connection to David until just now?
- Can you really marry the granddaughter of the man you killed? I guess if this were on HBO, maybe.