#OUaTrevisit: S6:E13/14
This will be posted to my Mastodon account; don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s and Cindy’s posts too!
We’re well into season six now, and thankfully the writers have abandoned the random new side-stories introduced at the beginning of the season in favor of deeper explorations of our familiar characters.
In particular, I love Regina’s continuing journey from Evil Queen to, you know, a complicated, conflicted person who is nonetheless trying to do the right thing.
S6:E13 Ill-Boding Patterns
“Gold takes action to protect Gideon from dark magic.”
Airdate: March 19, 2017
- Previously, R2 stole something from Regina but we don’t know what it was.
- Just, ya know, hanging out in camp while apparently, the battle is twenty feet away.
- Wait, Beowulf? Really? Does that imply a Grendel?
- “Hrunting”
- Wilhelm!
- I feel like this war would be fought with distance weapons, not hand-to-hand.
- Hmm. Rumple joined the battle. Unexpected.
- “A little early for rum, isn’t it?” It’s Killian-o’clock somewhere.
- Ah, he didn’t know until he saw August’s pages that the man he killed was David’s father.
- Emma might forgive him. David won’t. How long did it take Tony Stark to forgive Bucky? But Killian wasn’t brainwashed…
- I guess the Emma-killing sword was originally Hrunting.
- Oops, different Young Bae actor.
- Everyone knows about Dark Rumple. Were they surprised?
- “Why don’t I meet you at your manse tonight?” Points for “manse”.
- Hey, the clock face was fixed.
- Once you travel down that dark path, forever will it … I don’t remember the rest.
- Who are Gideon’s people? He hasn’t mentioned being a leader back in Black Fairy Land.
- This is Beowulf and Grendel but it’s also Blazing Saddles. We hate you and want you to leave, but come crying to you when something terrible comes to town.
- “This little munchkin went to see the Wizard.”
- Why is there a protection spell around the town again?
- R2 is mistaken: Zelena could leave any time she wants because she is a powerful magic-user.
- Did people who lived in hovels call them hovels?
- Usually, when Rumple gives the dagger to someone, it’s fake.
- Now both timelines feature RumpleGold’s son holding the dagger.
- There is no Grendel, it was always Beowulf. Nice twist.
- Gideon’s “destiny” is very confusing.
- You’d think that after so long, Gold would have come up with a defense against being controlled by the dagger.
- “Pet snake?” “She’s practically family!”
- Everyone with the hats. It’s like Ascot Opening Day around here.
- Clever Bae! Grabbed the dagger from Beowulf.
- Aw, Bae went too far that time. Can’t unsee that.
- I would not like it if anyone kills Blue.
- “I know what I have to do, but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it.”
- Taking the sword that Blue died to reforge counts as touching the darkness. Darkness is fungible.
- “What kind of tea is this?” Nothing changes.
- Ugh, we’re back to the m-word again. C’mon, writers, find a different word.
- (So Blue isn’t dead?) No Belle, really?
- Liquid courage. Good luck, dude.
- Oh, and she’s totally misinterpreting what he was going to say, of course. 💍
- Okay, but the issue of David’s father is going to have to be resolved eventually.
- “Okay, let’s go with that then.” Love you, Zelena.
- Uh oh, snake on the loose!
- This EQ outfit is amazing.
- “I don’t care if there are seven of you!”
S6:E14 Page 23
“Regina faces off against the Evil Queen.”
Airdate: March 26, 2017
- Oh, bother.
- Hi Dad!
- Spotted in the guest cast: Rose McIver! Tink!!
- Also: Faran Tahir. I guess Nemo is back too.
- Uh, randomly snapping your minion’s neck is not a great way to inspire loyalty in your troops.
- I thought they hadn’t spoken between the night at the tavern and when they met again on Pan’s Island.
- “Excuse me, I sleep on hay! Which is on dirt.”
- They’re gonna wait a while to plan the wedding, because plot.
- I love how Regina just Kramers into the loft.
- Zelena goes girly over Emma’s ring!
- “Mortal coil” snake joke.
- The shears. EQ can separate herself from Regina.
- It…could…work!
- Nemo!
- “Guilt can be as corrosive to the soul as revenge.”
- EQ can’t use the Author’s pen. But I guess she can stop Henry from using it. Funny how the writers have mostly forgotten about it.
- One thing this show has always done well is the quick-cut transition.
- Side quest! Let’s go steal a powerful object.
- Team Emma/Snow/Regina always.
- Enchanted ropes 😂
- She should have mimicked R2’s accent at “stand a chance.”
- Dripping with Light Magic! And confetti.
- Huh. Bravo Emma for accepting Killian. Though maybe give him a chance to get a word in before handing back the ring.
- Blah blah blah, Dad.
- “It’s always about revenge with us, isn’t it.”
- They cut the lines. Now what? Now it’s time to swordfight in formal clothes!
- Who does Evil Regina actually hate most? Yeah, I think we know.
- Apples!
- Okay, wow, this scene between Regina and EQ is very powerful.
- That’s the Apprentice’s wand if you recall. Opens portals. Very useful item.
- Where can a reformed EQ get a fresh start?
- It surprises me to hear Snow say “Not everyone is redeemable.” That’s the exact opposite of what she believes!
- Henry now has three moms.
- Where do we think she went?
- Oh, we’re back at the tavern, with R2.
- She’s not the EQ here, she’s just a lady in a dramatic dress. This realm’s Snow and David were murdered and the EQ was banished, but maybe everyone forgot. Or perhaps she’s behind a glamour.
- “For the first time in forever…”
- Here’s Snow setting herself up to be terribly conflicted when she finds out about Hook killing David’s Dad but “love can save even the darkest souls.”
- But suddenly something happened! Oh no! Now we’re off on another side quest!