#OUaTrevisit: S6:E3/4
4 min readMar 14, 2023
This will be posted to my Mastodon account; don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s and Cindy’s posts too!
In this week’s Once Upon A Time revisit: Our Long National Nightmare Is Over.
S6:E3 The Other Shoe
“Emma, Hook, and Henry scramble to help Cinderella.”
Airdate: October 9, 2016
- Been a while since we’ve seen Cinderella.
- Regina’s lasagna looks pretty good actually.
- I saw David Anders in the guest credits: Doctor Whale is back!
- Killian playing with the little girl: ❤️
- Wow, not cool (step)mom.
- Gus! In his little waistcoat.
- Dopey went off to get his Masters!
- The mind has a strong effect on the body.
- Jekyll just dropped a sugar cube in his potion.
- “I brought you more glass stuff!”
- Using Cindy’s (blue) tennis shoe to find her, clever!
- Free cheese!!
- (Do you think he could be charming? … That name’s taken.)
- A quick piece of business is what The Prince calls his bathroom.
- Glass slipper to a glass chess set, nice transition.
- Gold’s hair looks different somehow. (We later see him with a new ‘do; I suspect he’s wearing a wig in this episode.)
- The show is trying to disguise Jared (Henry) Gillmore’s growth. He’s almost taller than Killian now.
- Evil Queen’s blue dress!
- Now, where did she send them? Somewhere with an empty road and no signs.
- The quizzical look on Belle’s face is because she and David haven’t actually shared a scene that I can recall, anyway.
- A mix tape. He made a mix tape.
- Camilla? Clarissa? Callista?
- Lisa Banes played Lady Tremaine in season six.
- Royal glass blower.
- C’mon, Savior, do something!
- The Doctor has a fantastic car.
- Doctors Jekyll and Frankenstein, LLC.
- Lady Tremaine gets an appropriate sentence.
- Snow is trying to convince David and, of course, he’ll agree now and rethink it later. Such a dumbass.
- Seems like Evil Queen could have done that earlier. 🔗
S6:E4 Strange Case
“The Evil Queen and Hyde continue on their quest to steal.”
Airdate: October 16, 2016
- Really, that’s all there is. “Quest to steal.” Even the slug writer has given up.
- Looks like Mr. Gold’s hands are shaking just a bit.
- Whoa, the hair! Robert Carlyle was filming Trainspotting 2 during OUaT season 6.
- I don’t blame Gold for force-choking Hyde. But why didn’t Gold’s power work?
- This will inevitably mean Gold teams up with the good guys again.
- “I’m the Savior, not Romanian power lifter!”
- Jekyll exposition…zzz…
- “What’s so important I had to be pulled away from Scotch and cards?”
- Rejected!
- How did Rumple journey to this realm, anyway?
- Today, in “dumb things done by mad scientists…”
- Not cool, Gold. What a jerk.
- “It’s always out of one prison and into another with her.”
- More Leroy content, please!
- Mister Hyde, of course, because he wants to hide. If he was alone, we’d call him Mister Solo.
- Nobody at the party cares about Hyde’s creepy red eyes?
- “The mighty wall between chaos and calm!”
- The difference is that Evil Queen was mocking, but Regina means it.
- Extra red juice!
- Red juice on the dagger should give Gold power over Hyde.
- Who is Shirin? Is it Jasmine?
- Whenever Jekyll is speaking I just want to ⏭ fast forward.
- Oh, this isn’t going to end well for Mary.
- A man unencumbered by social obligation. In other words, a psychopath. Cool cool.
- Everyone is still calling him Hook. Even Emma!
- Dangit. And now Hyde has the dagger.
- Out the window. Saw that coming.
- And one half of the separated person can’t live without the other. Does this mean the blessed end of this subplot?
- Well, we’re not losing Lana Parilla. So obviously there will be another out for Regina.
- Dark Rumple wanted to expunge his feelings for Belle. Creepy.
- “You didn’t cut your hair for me, you cut it for Trainspotting.”
- Oh good, threatening her will definitely work.
- Aha! Does this mean we get more Oded Fehr as Jafar?