#OUaTrevisit: S6:E7/8
This will be posted to my Mastodon account; don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s and Cindy’s posts too!
This week: The showrunners remembered we’re in season six of a long-running ensemble drama, not an anthology of brand-new stories with brand-new randos every week! In other words, apart from a side quest featuring the World’s Worst Thief, we got back to the stuff we care about.
Also: Hmm, first two weeks of November 2016. Most of that time is completely blank in my memory for some reason.
S6:E7 Heartless
“The Evil Queen finally gets her ultimate revenge.”
Airdate: November 6, 2016
- No “previously on”, just Snow and EQ in the woods.
- EQ is extra creepy tonight!
- “What do you think? Something terrible.”
- I feel like Zelena is not totally into Evil Regina.
- Oh, I don’t want to know what DarkRumple and Evil Regina are doing.
- It’s a family “hairloom”, according to Snow’s odd pronunciation.
- Suddenly David has a doggo! Whose name is Wilby! I love Wilby!
- Oh hi, Mom Charming.
- Flap, flap, flap.
- She needs an allied nation, maybe she could go to Arendelle. (I know, too early in the timeline.)
- Snow and Charming are separately heading to the same town, but they haven’t canonically met yet.
- This is now a Wilby fan page. That is all.
- I don’t trust this guy, not at all.
- It’s a medieval murder van. Great.
- Blue Fairy’s dress is just not suitable for, you know, walking. She looks like a parade jellyfish.
- “I’ve looked through all my books, but there’s nothing.” “Well, keep looking.”
- “I came as soon as I could!” Our team is just playing Superheroes now.
- Magic powerful enough to imprison the EQ, in a small tree! I sure hope it isn’t the one Regina poured the water on earlier.
- The group wince was just perfect.
- I see some green, Zelena.
- “You need to calm down.”
- Sure, Prince Dumbass, just take a giant slug of what the guy with the murder wagon offers.
- Get him, Wilby!
- The Woodsman is actually supposed to kill Snow, right?
- “It’s a trap door.” Thank you, Captain Obvious.
- Is it the best idea to have Emma and Hook pack up all of Regina’s stuff? Or we’ll just hang out here in the vault and tell stories.
- Remember who you are!
- We know he doesn’t break the lock because this isn’t how they meet.
- Flashbacks!
- WOW at EQ’s “Rage against the dying of the light.” Lana is having a blast.
- Ugh, run through with his own axe handle.
- “As you wish.”
- This split scene. Does somebody want to build a snowman?
- Ah, this is when Snow becomes a bandit. And it turns out she and David met once before after all.
- What rabbit Snow and David will pull out of their hats this time?
- The little bit of darkness in the hearts from when Snow killed Cora.
- Okay? I’m not sure what EQ expects to gain from that. It seems more like a Bond villain time-waster. “I won’t kill them because I want them to suffer more!”
- Blah blah, Belle hates Rumple now, snore.
- To the woods!
- Back in the glass coffin. Wonder what the trick is here.
- Oh, only one of them can be awake at a time. Funny.
S6:E8 I’ll Be Your Mirror
“Emma and Regina plan to trap the Evil Queen.”
Airdate: November 13, 2016
- Their last plan worked so well, let’s try again.
- Apparently, this wake/sleep curse is also the plot of Ladyhawke, which somehow I’ve never seen.
- Creepy! Watching through the mirror!
- And now, a musical montage.
- But they’re gonna get aggravated really quickly, aren’t they?
- Didn’t Evil Regina kill The Dragon though?
- Stood up for John Hughes movie night twice? Rough.
- Oops! Wrong mirror.
- Now we’re in the Land of Mirrors. And every mirror is one-way.
- Dramatic shadow!
- Tricky fake voicemail.
- Hmm, somebody is not going to buy this. But who?
- “He’s the Dark One, he’s always up to something.”
- Are Belle are Zelena really teaming up here?
- The height difference makes for funny scene blocking.
- I like snarky Zelena a lot more than whiny Zelena.
- “Never thought I’d see you in a pantsuit, Your Majesty.”
- Of course, Gold happens to have this random mythical hammer in his cabinet.
- Love can be a weakness, but it can also be a battlefield.
- Uh, Killian would be dead.
- That’s where Henry would be taking Violet, if she showed, which apparently she isn’t.
- “She’s a commoner” ought to be a red flag, but it wasn’t.
- But telling Henry to stand up straight: what a giveaway!
- sEQ has a little bit of a blind spot where Henry is concerned.
- Dragon!
- A back door! Don’t give away our secrets!
- I’m really not super impressed with the Master Thief.
- Abu! (“Thanks, monkey.”)
- Whatever happened to Moff Sidney, anyway?
- “It’s not like leaving a voicemail, Henry.”
- Not the old creaking oak tree!
- “I’ll never join you!”
- Oh right, EQ took Dragon’s heart.
- That’s a pretty fancy dragon.
- So EQ is trying to win over Henry by…killing his moms? Except Regina dying would also kill EQ, so not too smart.
- I love the Regina/Emma alliance.
- Nice job Henry!! And he grabbed the Dragon’s heart, too.
- The lamp! But who is inside? (Is it Sidney? Wasn’t Sidney a genie at one point?)
- I had forgotten about Zelena saving Gold in the hospital. And didn’t realize it linked them together.
- Nice of Granny to let Henry use the place.
- Violet took a little too much from The Breakfast Club.
- Evil Regina’s evening gown: 🔥
- “You know me, I’ll do anything.”
- I don’t like these two together. It’s unpleasant. Which is probably how I’m supposed to feel.