#OUaTrevisit: S7:E15/16
4 min readJul 19, 2023
This will be posted to my Mastodon account; don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s and Cindy’s posts too!
We’re back after a week away! Let’s check in on our favorite unnecessary continuation of a completed story.
S7:E15 Sisterhood
“Drizella attempts to join the Witch’s [sic] Coven.”
Airdate: March 30, 2018
- How many Witches make a Coven?
- Let’s play in the dark woods at night in the rain, seems fine.
- Good thing Drizella had some lanterns with her. Or can conjure them, I guess.
- I was about to be impressed that Drizella got the drop on Regina.
- Spotted in the opening: FLYNN’S BARCADE
- T-Mobile gift bag?
- A chocolatier with a penchant for theatrics.
- Hot cocoa with cinnamon, natch.
- Bros night out!
- WeaverRumple trying to mend Chip 😭
- Nice self-defense, Ivy!
- Galaga, Ms. Pac-Man, Bubble Bobble, Q-Bert, Neo-Geo, a Marvel game (obvs), and look at the Recognizer on the wall. I love this place.
- “I wouldn’t help me either.”
- More witches! This is kind of a Hunger Games of Coven-ing.
- The nachos at Roni’s look pretty good.
- SamdiFacilier has a magic bean. There seems to be an endless supply of these things.
- Roni’s magenta velvet boots 😻
- (Didn’t Belle die though?)
- Disney ought to sell those lampshades.
- The blonde witch is Gretel. And I guess we’ll meet Hansel at some point.
- Gretel’s power turns everything into candy!
- Pinballs: Creature From The Block Lagoon, Taxi, Fun House, Gladiator?
- “John Hughes outlook”
- Who’s the next woman gonna be… Oh, of course.
- Gothel is so tiresome.
- Is this IvyDrizella really embracing Anastasia or betraying her? The latter.
- The Candy Killer? Gotta be Hansel.
- “Anonymous Chocolates”
- We’re wagering our entire future on beer pong.
- What’s SamdiFacilier’s upside in all this? Sacrificing Ana for the bean, and sending Ivy home, gets him what?
- This is Drizella’s betraying face. Matched by Gretel. But Drizella is much stronger.
- Gothel has unleashed much more than she realized.
- IvyDrizella is really trying this now? You’ve burnt that bridge, sister.
- “You’ve failed, your highness.”
- Wait, so Ana and IvyDrizella are just going to Doctor Strange out of there? Is the curse not broken, Rumple not back with Belle, or is Henry still potentially poisoned?
- Magic *always* comes with a price, dearie.
- I think I still have one of those Flynn’s tokens from ElecTRONica.
- Nick is the Candy Killer?? I should have seen it, I guess.
S7:E16 Breadcrumbs
“A job may take Henry away from Jacinda and Lucy.”
Airdate: April 6, 2018
- “The Cave of the Golden Dragon”, what did the Golden Dragon ever do to you, dude?
- This is the first I’ve heard of a magic ring that helped Snow and Charming find each other.
- “If you want to quest after a ring, talk to the expert.”
- Oh hi, RobinMargot.
- Nick tried to “land an important client and she got away”… meaning his attempt to kill Ivy??
- I like the Zelena/Lucy interaction.
- This scene between Jacinda and Henry is one where you can write the end before it starts.
- “I have made significant changes to my life.”
- Red scrawled in the margins, bad news.
- What’s altHook’s game here?
- Oh hi, Blackbeard.
- It’s Rumple’s scary dolls!
- Sneaking aboard in supply barrels seems suboptimal.
- “Once we know the map is real, we’ll offer the sharks a royal meal.”
- Henry was WeaverRumple’s favorite character. Funny.
- Davy Jones’ Locker is literally just a locker? I always thought it was more metaphorical.
- It was all a setup! Until somebody turned on the storm effects.
- Aw, these two. ❤️
- “Margot, with a T.” “Targo?”
- Henry is apparently flying “Connectex Airlines”. I guess Oceanic didn’t have a flight.
- The QR code on Henry’s boarding pass is not valid. Too bad.
- He drove over a piece of glass slipper. Maybe it’s a sign?
- *Into* the asteroid field??
- Just throw it in! There’s no need for this!!
- At least he didn’t lose the finger.
- Oh dear, Henry is getting in the serial killer’s car.
- “I can offer you my heart.” (grabs his own heart out of his chest)
- NickHanselJack: “I’m not done killing.” 😟🤨
- “Kelly West” knows exactly who the chocolates are from.