#OUaTrevisit: S7:E3/4
This will be posted to my Mastodon account; don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s and Cindy’s posts too!
Bored. I’m mostly just bored. That’s not what I want from my entertainment, and if my response is anything like the general view at the time (2017–18 season) then I’m not at all surprised that this was the final season.
That said, if we could have had a spinoff season about Rumple’s quest to rid himself of the Dark Dagger of Supreme Darkness, I’d have watched it.
S7:E3 The Garden of Forking Paths
“Cinderella receives help from an unlikely source.”
Airdate: October 20, 2017
- Forking paths!
- There’s no way Cinderella’s dress wasn’t caught up in the motorcycle chain or burned on the exhaust.
- Aha, it is Tiana! 🐸
- “Our one-handed detective”
- Convenient drunk customer. Maybe too convenient.
- Always bring donuts, basically.
- Tiana is the leader of the resistance. Okay?
- “Come with me to the resistance camp in the woods while wearing our fancy ball gowns.”
- Detective Weaver caught a glimpse of the Building Commissioner’s stat sheet. And a pretty obvious public payoff.
- “I’m a regular queen,” says the person from a better show.
- Hey look, a dangerous hole in an open construction site. Let’s jump in!
- Already tired of Lucy trying to explain the curse. Again.
- What is up with Cindy though?
- This conversation between Lady Tremaine and Cinderella is confusing. Lots of “but then…” “and he…” “and I…” super frustrating!
- And dumb. Tremaine needs Original Henry’s heart to… resurrect her other daughter?
- Okay, let’s burn the petition without any contract or agreement beyond Victoria’s easily ignored promise. 🙄
- Cindy, here, is about to pull a David and do the Wrong Thing. In the grand tradition of OUaT heroes.
- Yay, Regina.
- We’re going to keep this garden for the community! With a dangerous hole in the middle!
- Fantasy Realm Regina’s outfit in this episode is amazing.
- A few names on a petition will not stop a project that’s already started.
- I’m not clear on why or how Henry found the cemetery that didn’t exist until now.
- Who does Victoria have captive? Our Lady of Perpetual Exposition.
S7:E4 Beauty
“Weaver’s exchange with Tilly goes awry.”
Airdate: October 27, 2017
- Speaking of Tilly, I hope she’s back on Discovery when it returns.
- Baby Gideon!
- “I can’t even remember the last time I used the dagger,” says oh by the way still the Darkest Dark One.
- That was it, that was the promised Exchange with Tilly.
- “You’re lucky she didn’t exile you to Canada.” (Ha ha they’re in Canada)
- “Who R U?” 🍄
- Gabrielle Anwar’s posh British is a little bit unconvincing this week.
- “I’m altering the bargain etc etc”
- The Poisoned Apple 🍸
- The outfits and decorations in Roni’s bar!
- The impressive concrete suspension bridge is the Port Mann Bridge in Surrey, BC.
- Weaver and Rogers are walking funny?
- Belle looks great with the gray stripe!
- Are we just gonna throw the Supremely Evil Dagger of Darkness into a random river and just hope for the best?
- Drusilla was not invited to the ball. Sad trombone.
- Good thing we had already cast teen Gideon.
- If this season was all about Rumple redeeming himself and casting off the mantle of the Dark One, I’d be a lot more into it.
- Incredibles family!
- Sheesh, Ivy is awful!
- Classy, Weaver, drugging the girl’s sandwich.
- I think this is Narnia actually.
- Chip!
- I’m told this whole scene with the house is basically the first part of “Up”. I don’t know because I have de-memoried that entire movie.
- Snow White costume 🤣
- Did Weaver just have a memory from the before-time?
- She came back to him, more than a few times. (YES WE KNOW)
- And, then she shot him. Okay.
- Another Doctor Strange portal. And who is this Guardian? Is it Alice/Tilly?
- “Quiet as a Dormouse.”
- Dearie!
- Umm, that look from Ivy to CurseHenry is not keeping things uncomplicated. 🥃