#OUaTrevisit: S7:E7/8
3 min readJun 15, 2023
This will be posted to my Mastodon account; don’t forget to read my fellow Revisitors Katie’s and Cindy’s posts too!
I’m late, I’m late! Just in time to (re)-enter Wonderland, I’m channeling the always-delayed White Rabbit by posting my #OUaTrevisit piece a day late.
This week: We find Eloise. We find Alice. We find Jack. We’re doing the very slow plot reveal. We’re getting drawn in despite ourselves.
S7:E7 Eloise Gardener
“Hook seeks a dark and powerful magic.”
Airdate: November 17, 2017
- (That’s altHook, remember, not primeHook.)
- Smee!
- Ah we’re seeing how EQ failed to cast her curse in Wish Realm.
- Lana’s outfit in this scene ❤️🔥
- “The tower is guarded by an evil witch”… Could that witch be who Victoria has in her Belfrey?
- I don’t really care about the argument between altHook and WeaverRumple.
- The food truck, that isn’t a food truck.
- “I was thinking” (dangerous pastime) (I know)
- Ivy’s threat is ominous but nonspecific.
- The closed captioning just named Victoria’s captive “Eloise”. Which was unexpected.
- altHook is looking for a “girl”. The timeline doesn’t match up.
- “Today is indeed a good day!”
- I think this is the same tower where later Regina was training Drizella.
- Ah, of course it’s Rapunzel. With her frying pan.
- TillyAlice has a Mickey Mouse watch.
- Dirt on the shoes. Dead giveaway.
- Eyeroll at Victoria’s sniffy threats.
- Wrong song?
- “You don’t have children, that you know of.”
- Does Victoria think she cast the curse?
- Ugh, I don’t like what Roni is doing here. IvyDrizella’s threat must be really bad.
- Get on with it!
- “Abandoning people just isn’t my thing.”
- Ah. Hmm. Perhaps this isn’t Rapunzel after all, but the imprisoned witch?
- The Evil Dark Dagger of Evil Darkness is in the evidence locker.
- He doesn’t have a warrant for the code.
- Huh. Gothel was in the tower, trapped by Rapunzel. Why was she named Eloise earlier? I am confused.
- [Magical whooshing]
- Still confused.
- This is all a setup, obviously. But on who?
- Pirates playing dice with EQ!
- AliceTilly is the daughter. EloiseGothel is the mom. altHook is the dad. Got it.
- “Officers, may I have a minute?” No, you may not.
- Miss Scarlet, with the business card, in the office.
S7:E8 Pretty in Blue
“Henry and Ella follow Alice into Wonderland.”
Airdate: November 17, 2017
- Training montage!
- “And other places”
- Maybe don’t trust her right away?
- His heart is poisoned? Since when?
- Many such journeys are possible. Let me be your gateway.
- “Mecker House”
- Who are we talking about here, who’s the dangerous law school graduate?
- Oh, here comes Ivy when Henry is down and out.
- “Have you ever considered making your blog into a podcast,” asked 2017.
- Danger Cake of Danger.
- “Bizarre Love Triangle”, the best is Temptation, of course.
- Caught in an Ewok trap! Han, can you reach my lightsaber?
- Don’t land on the sword!
- “You ever think you’re a bit naive, Henry?” That’s kind of Henry’s entire thing.
- “A classic Kathryn Nolan situation.”
- Mister Worm, can you help me enter the labyrinth? No, I’m just a worm.
- How long until the Drink Me potion regenerates?
- Good dress!
- “He’s out being a shady, treacherous bastard somewhere.”
- Roni’s shirt of the day: “Kid for rent cheap”
- Wait, why is Eloise back in the machine room?
- “Walrus and Company”
- Something is up with Nick. And the so-called missing document.
- There’s a Star Wars backpack at the tea party.
- Slain by the Jabberwocky.
- This is the first we’re hearing of the Curse of the Poisoned Heart, is it not?
- (Still not a food truck)
- Ah, that’s why there’s no court order. Rough.
- Roni tends to be her best customer these days.
- “You’re always awake.”
- He’s not admitting it. And you can see he’s struggling.
- Can’t believe Henry pulled out the “slimy no-good swindler” line!
- Four beers in.
- “Someone Victoria Belfrey pushed out” and we’re being obtuse with the pronouns. Who are we going to see in SF?
- Remy. The caterer. Of course.
- A mix tape! She made him a mix tape.
- The coffin is empty. Surprise!